Since January 2022, hauliers and drivers have been required to participate in customs clearance procedures using GVMS. This mainly covers road freight via the Port of Dover and the Eurotunnel, but also applies to other Ro/Ro ports connecting the UK with the continent.
The following highlights what you need to know to stay within proper regulations and avoid financial penalties.
Imports using GVMS from the European Union (Using Export Accompanying Documents (EAD)/ EU/ Export Declaration)
Hauliers will be required to have a valid Economic Operators Registration and Identification (EORI) number. Having one of these numbers will be essential to obtaining a UK gateway account and registering for the new Good Vehicle Movement Services (GVMS) system.
Hauliers must create a Goods Movement Record (GMR) that must include the vehicle registration number, the entry reference numbers, port of departure, and the operator’s details.
Copies of all documents (including the export and import declarations to customs) must be with the driver when they leave origin.
The responsibility of the goods on the vehicle will fall on the creator of the GMR and that company will be accountable for any customs debt accrued. Therefore, they should ensure that customs declarations should be completed before the vehicle boards the ferry/train.
Red and Green Routing System
While the vehicle is on the ferry/train crossing drivers should be urged to utilise their smart phones to enable them to receive the goods movement record (GMR) barcode from the haulier. They will also receive a message advising them on what route they will need to travel.
A red route indicates they must travel to an inland boarder facility where appropriate checks will take place.
If a green route is given the driver will proceed to the delivery destination as per usual. If a smart phone is unavailable a printed GMR barcode is also acceptable. In this instance, the driver will also need to phone his supervisor to ascertain the customs route.
Imports from the European Union/ Rest of the World (T1/T2 shipments)
Hauliers will be required to have a valid Economic Operators Registration and Identification (EORI) number. This is essential to obtaining a UK gateway account and registering for the new Good Vehicle Movement Service (GVMS) system.
Hauliers must create Goods Movement Records (GMR) that must include the vehicle registration number, Movement reference number (MRN) of the T1/T2, the port of departure, and the operator details.
Copies of all documents (including the export and import declarations to customs) must be with the driver when they leave origin.
The responsibility of the goods on the vehicle will fall on the creator of the GMR. The company will be accountable for any customs debt accrued. Therefore, they should ensure that customs declarations should be completed before the vehicle boards the ferry/train.
Customs Clearance/ Haulier
The haulier must upload the T1/T2 Movement reference number (MRN) to the goods movement record (GMR) and ensure the driver is given the GMR barcode for the ferry/ train.
The barcode will be checked on the crossing to ensure that it is valid. After disembarking from the crossing, the consignments will be cleared and the discharge of the T1/T2 will be processed.
The driver will move forward with the T1 if they are an authorised consignee, the goods are traveling inland, or they are traveling to another customs office.
Exports to the European Union (Using Export Accompanying Documents (EAD)/ Export Declaration on GVMS)
Hauliers will be required to have a valid Economic Operators Registration and Identification (EORI) number. Having one of these numbers will be essential to obtaining a UK gateway account and registering for the new Goods Vehicle Movement Services (GVMS) system. Hauliers must also create Goods Movement Records (GMR).
Copies of all documents (including the export and import declarations to customs) must be with the driver when they leave origin.
Customs Clearance Agent
Hauliers will need the declaration unique consignment reference (DUCR) from the Customs agent for every consignment. The Agent will provide the DUCR once the goods have gained permission to progress (P2P). Consignments are not meant to leave the exporters premises until permission is granted.
Receives the GMR from the Haulier via smart phone or paper copy.
French Customs
The French customs agent will provide French customs declaration to the haulier. The driver provides the GMR and the French import entry to French customs. They then board the crossing and proceeds to follow the Green/Orange routes.
Exports to the European Union and Rest of World (Using Community Transit)
Hauliers will be required to have a valid Economic Operators Registration and Identification (EORI) number. Having one of these numbers will be essential to obtaining a UK gateway account and registering for the new Good Vehicle Movement Services (GVMS) system. Hauliers must also create Goods Movement Records (GMR).
Copies of all documents (including the export and import declarations to customs) must be with the driver when they leave origin.
Customs Clearance Agent/ Driver
They will need the declaration unique consignment reference (DUCR) from the Customs agent for every consignment. The Agent will provide the DUCR once the goods have gained permission to progress (P2P). Consignments are not meant to leave the exporters premises until permission is granted.
There is the additional step of the custom agent. They will provide a Local reference number (LRN) to produce a T1 with a movement reference number (MRN) at the inland boarder facility. If the goods transiting through the UK form Ireland the haulier will be required to upload the T1 MRN onto the GMR.
Need help getting ready for GVMS?
Here are some helpful links with more information:
For more personal assistance with GVMS, please contact one of our experts.
GVMS Declaration Service if you would like us to provide this service for you the cost will be £15