ENS Safety and Security Declaration Requirements

Safety & Security Import Declarations are now set to apply as from 31st January 2025 for Imports arriving by Road or Ferry from the EU

The change does not effect Imports arriving from Rest of the World at Container Ports nor does it effect Export shipments from the UK

What is changing ?

Businesses that export from Great Britain or import from countries outside the EU are already required to submit safety and security declarations. However, from 31 January 2025, all vehicles and goods entering Great Britian from the EU will be subject to the necessary safety and security checks and must be covered by a safety and security declaration – also known as ‘entry summary declarations’ or ‘ENS’.

The current HMRC rules state that there can be only one import declaration per ENS declaration (one-for-one). This means that you cannot group multiple import declarations under a single ENS declaration.

When declaring the ENS on behalf of the carrier, the carrier’s details must be included in the ENS declaration. The carrier’s details must be EORI recognised by CDS (GB EORI) or the full address details.

How to submit Safety and Security Entry Summary (ENS) Declarations ?

In order to submit your ENS Declaration, make sure you have access to all the information required to complete ENS declarations. You must ensure your entry summary declarations are complete and accurate. If any information changes, such as the amount of goods or the time of arrival, you can amend your declaration at any time until goods arrive at the border.

Examples of information required:

  • Documents and licences for your imports – such as airway bills or commercial invoices
  • Goods description
  • Consignor, consignee & carrier details
  • Type, amount and packaging of your goods
  • Mode of transport at the border
  • Onward journey details
  • S&S GB location code for the port of entry

The legal requirement to submit a declaration lies with the carrier.

The carrier operates the means of transport used to bring goods into the customs territory. The carrier must ensure the declaration is submitted within the legal time limits.

A third party can submit the entry summary declaration on behalf of the carrier, but only with the carrier’s knowledge and consent. However, the carrier remains responsible for ensuring the declaration is submitted on time.

Please be advised that UCC have this all in hand and are able to take care of this for you.

Goods Travelling by Air

Responsibility for submitting:

If your goods are travelling by air the legal requirement is with the party that has contracted and issued the air waybill for the carriage of the goods into Great Britain or Northern Ireland.

Time limits for submitting:

For short-haul flights (less than four hours in duration), you must submit your ENS declaration by the time of actual take-off.

For long-haul flights, you must submit at least four hours before arrival.

Goods Travelling by Sea

Responsibility for submitting:

If your goods are travelling by deep sea container or break/bulk cargo the legal requirement is with the party that has contracted and issued the bill of lading for the carriage of the goods into Great Britain or Northern Ireland.

Time limits for submitting:

You must submit the declaration for maritime containerised cargo at least 24 hours before loading at the port of departure. For bulk or break-bulk cargo, ensure submission at least 4 hours before arrival. For Short Seas journeys, the time limit is a minimum of 2 hours before arrival.

Goods Travelling by Roll on Roll off (RoRo)

Responsibility for submitting:

If your goods are travelling by roll-on roll-off:

  • The haulage company is responsible for lodging the declaration for accompanied goods.
  • The ferry operator is responsible for lodging the declaration for unaccompanied goods.
  • For goods travelling by Eurotunnel, the haulage company is responsible for lodging the declaration.

Time limits for submitting:

For RoRo accompanied & unaccompanied freight you must submit at least 2 hours before arrival of the ferry operator.

For road traffic (Channel Tunnel – Le Shuttle Freight), you must submit at least one hour before arrival at the Eurotunnel terminal (at Coquelles, France)

How can UCC Help ?

At  UCC we can handle this for you on your behalf – we just need a few more details about the vehicle carrying the goods.

If we are completing the import clearance the ENS charge would be £7.25 in addition to the clearance fee.

For stand alone ENS declarations we shall be charging £35.This would cover the first 3 headings, thereafter it would be £5 per heading.

If you would like any further information to regarding our ENS declaration services and how we can help you out, then please get in touch with us by calling +44 (0)1473 598 896, Emailing hello@universalcustomsclearance.co.uk or completing our online enquiry form.

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